Friday, June 4, 2010

I want Answers!

This morning AF started. I am so tired of seeing her face. And she comes too early. Today I am 9-10 DPO. I think maybe I had a sluggish O this month. But my luteal phase is always about 10 dpo. I mentioned this to my former gyno and my concerns about it, and she kinda blew me off and told me not to worry about it. After m/c #2 they told me they wanted to start genetic testing once I had m/c #3.

To me, this short luteal phase is a blatantly obvious problem that has nothing to do with my or DH's genetics! After m/c #1 we started hormone testing. I ended up getting my progesterone tested twice - the first time it was "too low to sustain preg." the second test I was preggo, and the numbers were good/great. My gyno was satisfied with the testing (we had the rest of the hormone testing done too - all normal). I'm not satisfied. I think I need my prog. tested more, and if my prog. is okay, then I need more testing done to determine why my LP is so short.

I am NOT waiting for another miscarriage to get started on this. I want answers!!! And I don't want my heart broken (or my dh's heart broken) again before we move forward. I am just so frustrated and hormonal and I just want to find out what's wrong with me already.

and I DON'T want a dr. who will just put me on chlomid. It's not the answer to every problem. I'm tempted to skip the local Ob altogether and go straight to the big guns - an RE. The closest one is about an hr and a half away. I'm going to talk to my MW and see what she thinks, and see if I need a referall.

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